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Please note: This website is for preliminary feedback solicitation purposes only. The susceptibility scores and map layers displayed are preliminary and lack critical lidar-derived modeling and layers, as well as information detailing the contributing factors to the score. 

Risk of Landslides in Mocoa

Explore the map below to find out what areas of Mocoa are at risk for landslides and why

How to use the map

Click and drag on the map to reposition the view and find an area you're interested in. Use the "+" and "-" buttons in the top right to zoom in and out. Click on a colored area to see that area's susceptibility score. Scroll on the legend to the right to see all the layers available. 

How to interpret a score

Areas with the highest scores (shown in red) are most at risk of a landslide if a triggering event occurs– like sustained torrential rain, high winds, or an earthquake. Get a better understanding the nature of the risk in an area and how to mitigate it by looking at the factors that contribute most significantly to the score.


UAVs/Drones for Equitable Climate Change Adaptation

Participatory Risk Management through Landslide and Debris Flow Monitoring in Mocoa, Columbia

UAVs/Drones for Equitable Climate Change Adaptation (DECCA)


t: 322-846-4648

Participatory Risk Management through Landslide and Debris Flow Monitoring in Mocoa, Columbia.


© 2023 MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative

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